What’s Holding You Back?
We all know the story of the tortoise and the hare. The hare is so keen on speed that he loses site of the bigger picture: successfully crossing the finish line. On the other hand, the tortoise keeps going at a speed he can manage and without losing focus accomplishes his goal.
Changing jobs (and careers) can be overwhelming if your primary goal is to get *there* as soon as possible. Could your "need to do it all now" mindset be holding you back?
Key benefits of the slow and steady approach to career change:
(#4) Preserve bandwidth: Adding too much to an already crowded plate of responsibilities is a recipe for feeling overwhelmed. Commit to accomplishing small but regular tasks to maximize the likelihood of making progress.
(#3) Prioritize quality: When it comes to career fulfillment, rushing to *get it done* is unlikely to result in sound decision making. Take the time to do it right, even if it means stepping back to re-assess.
(#2) Build confidence: Successfully navigating change takes time, patience and the belief that success is attainable. Set yourself up with tasks you can succeed at; use each victory as fuel on the path toward your goal.
(#1) Start today: Is an hour a week do-able? What about a mere 30 minutes?
How will you feel tomorrow if you commit to moving forward today?
Is your curiosity piqued? I’d love the chance to better understand your mindset and tell you about mine.